Fritz's House o' Model Billboards

Updated: 12-FEB-2007

Billboards are popular items in model railroading since they are so much a part of the real world of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Many manufacturers offer billboards in either kit or ready-to-use form in scales ranging from N to G, but there are limits to just how much artwork can be included with a kit. As a result, many of the same billboards can be seen from layout to layout.

This part of the Wyoming Yard site is an attempt to increase the variety of billboard artwork available in HO and O gauge and to apply my sense of humor and creative energies to good use. From time to time, I will add new billboard artwork here.

Like the Haggis Decal Project, the artwork presented here is available to be downloaded at no charge for personal use. It can be printed on nearly any color printer capable of 300 dpi or greater resolution, cut out, then used with any of three popular sizes of billboards from Walthers, Model Railways and Lionel. I chose these sizes mainly because I had the billboards on hand to measure. If you have a little skill at using graphics programs, it shouldn't be too hard to rearrange the artwork to fit other billboards or to use it in other scales.

To use this artwork, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Currently, the following free artwork is available on this site:

Set #1 - Big John's Original Southern BBQ - Designed January, 2001
A tribute to a good friend of the rec.models.railroad Usenet newsgroup
Set #2 - Todd's House of Knives - Added December 31, 2001
Set #3 - The Mystery Place - Added January 1, 2002
Set #4 - For Rent - Added March 29, 2002
Set #5 - Lemmon Used Cars - Added March 29, 2002
Set #6 - R. MacRoberts Haggis - Added April 1, 2002
Beating the rec.models.railroad haggis joke further into the ground...
Set #7 - Hoot 'N' Holler Music Barn - Added April 19, 2002
Set #8 - Roche Motel - Added May 21, 2002
Set #9 - Sparky's Fireworks Emporium - Added June 17, 2002
Set #10 - The Beef Bunker - Added October 28, 2002
Set #11 - St. Hubbins' Arborland - Added December 27, 2002

Please bear in mind that I make no claim at all of being in any way a particularly talented artist.

The Billboards
The artwork is designed to fit the following billboards:

Lionel     The postwar O gauge #310 billboard, the more recent #6-14100 Blinking Billboard or the #6-12949 Classic Billboard Set
Model Railways The #1006 laser-cut wood billboard kit. This can also be used in S or O scales.
Walthers and Athearn The Walthers #933-3133 HO billboard kit and the Athearn #7600-series billboards (as near as I can tell, they are identical). Either can be used as a large billboard in N scale.

To use any of these files, simply download it and print it.


The Boring Legal Stuff
When I put this artwork together, I did so with the idea that I would make it available for free for people to download and use to create billboards for their layouts. With this in mind, I am making this artwork available under the following simple licensing conditions:

  • The machine-readable versions of this artwork may be distributed for free. If you redistribute the artwork, please leave intact the copyright notice I place in the margin.
  • Prints may be made from this artwork for personal use only. If you want to make a small quantity for yourself, or for your friends, that's cool. If you intend to build and sell billboards using this artwork, I'd really rather that you not do it, since it violates the spirit of what I'm trying to do here. In other words,
    • By downloading this artwork you agree that I am providing it to you solely for noncommercial use.
    • If you want to enlarge or reduce it for use in other scales, I won't complain. Really.
    • As the creator of the artwork, I specifically do not relinquish the copyright to my original artwork by publishing it here and making it available for downloading.
    • This artwork is provided "as-is" without warranty or promise of any kind of support whatsoever.
    • Except where specifically noted, all businesses or persons referenced in the artwork provided on this site are fictitious, and not intended to specifically represent any business which exists or person living or dead. Any similarities are purely unintentional and coincidental. The back stories in the introductions are factual, however.

- February 13, 2011
It has been over eight years since I last added new artwork to this site. This is not for lack of interest, but is more a matter of other pursuits consuming my time (see for a few examples).

I have an ever-growing stack of ideas for new billboards, and hopefully will be able to make time to actually create them in the future, and in so doing bring this site out of its recent slumber.

-Fritz Milhaupt

Do you have questions or comments regarding this Web site? E-mail to
All original contents of this Web site are Copyright © 2002, 2011, John F. ("Fritz") Milhaupt, All Rights Reserved.

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